Welcome to your March Newsletter Sharing the latest guides, activities and resources from Islington Carers Hub, Age UK Islington and other local organisations here in Islington.
Save money on your energy bills The Energy Price Cap is set to rise again on 1 April. This means that if you are not on a fixed tariff (and most people are not), your gas and electricity bill is likely to go up - for some users it will go up less than others.
With this in mind, it's a really good time to be thinking about what you can do to reduce your energy costs and how to make your money go further. Age UK Islington is running an in-person Energy Saving Workshop on 13 March together with Adult Community Learning and SHINE.
Click below for further information and how to book, also for more information about the Energy Price Cap. ICH receive award from UCL Medical School Last month, Islington Carers Hub were delighted to hear that they had won an award from University College London Medical School, for 'Outstanding Participation of a Community service in Teaching UCL Medical Students'.
Islington Carers Hub has been delivering regular half day placements for UCL medical students since 2012 to provide the students with an insight into what it's like being a carer. Islington Carers Hub was chosen as winner for the UCL Medical School award by UCL medical students for their contribution to teaching. Housing options in Islington If you couldn’t make Age UK Islington's February Let's Talk session, you can get an insight into the information shared in our Let's Talk - Housing options page! We have slides from the presentations, a list of Q&As (answers to questions from the session) and links to lots of resources. Click below to see the resources and details of support that's available: applying for a council house, sheltered housing options and help to find private rented accommodation. ISLINGTON CARERS HUB EVENTS Conflict resolution/challenging behaviour course Thursday 6 March 1.30-4.30pm Manor Gardens Welfare Trust Training Room,10 Manor Gardens, N7 6LA Join us for the second part of our two part course on identifying ways to manage conflict or difficult behaviour linked to Stroke or Dementia. At the last session we discussed the types of challenging behaviour that carers had experienced and in this next session, we'll be looking at strategies to understand and support the behavioural needs of the person you care for. Carers for Carers Meet-up
Tuesday 11 March, 10.30am- 12pm (monthly) Duke of Cambridge, 30 St Peter’s St, London, N1 8JT Join us for this monthly carers meet-up, run by carers for other Islington carers. Supporting a loved one while trying to cope with everything else that’s going on can be rewarding but it can feel overwhelming at times. Don’t feel that you have to navigate your caring journey alone. It can sometimes really help to talk to others in a similar situation who understand, and so you can support each other.
Stella and Wendy will be there to welcome you. Drop in at anytime between 10.30am and 12pm. Booking is not essential, but it would be helpful to know if you're planning to come along. Carers Strategy Steering Group Wednesday 12 March 2- 3.30pm Islington Town Hall, Upper Street N1 2UD You are invited to come along to our next Carers Strategy Steering Group at the Islington Town Hall. You can either book to join in-person at the town hall or online via Teams. Islington Carers Hub have set up this meeting so that carers like yourself can have input into the delivery of the Islington's Adult Carers’ Strategy. Book a place at the meeting to make sure you have a say about what support is put in place for carers in Islington. Park Theatre for Islington Carers Thursday 20 March, 2pm (3pm performance) 13 Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, N4 3JP Come and join us for our monthly Carers event at the Park Theatre in Finsbury Park from 2pm every third Thursday of the month. It's Pay What you Can (suggested £3). We kick off with teas and coffees on the first floor (accessible by lift) for an opportunity to meet other carers before the matinee performance. The matinee this month is: One Day When We Were Young.
Please note that as our tickets are part of the Pay-What-You-Can scheme, the box office is not able to indicate the size of our allocation till 24 hours before the performance. Occasionally we do not receive any places or only a very small number. We will be able to confirm places the afternoon before the performance. Nutrition and Hydration Workshop Friday 21 March, 2-3pm Cally Clock Tower Centre, Clock View Crescent, Market Estate, N7 9HF Good nutrition and hydration are vital to maintain health and well-being. Yet, malnutrition and dehydration continue to be significant risks that can seriously impact quality of life. This workshop is designed to raise awareness about these risks and to promote the best practices for prevention, whether for yourself or those you care for. Let's Talk: Keep Active Thursday 20 March 10.45am-1.30pm Islington Council Community Space, 222 Upper Street N1 1XR Don’t miss out on the next Age UK Islington Let's Talk event! This monthly forum is a fantastic opportunity to stay informed and connect with others in a relaxed and social atmosphere. This month is about 'Keeping active': from hearing about the Nuffield Health Joint Pain programme to how to keep active through Islington’s parks, leisure centres, and outdoor spaces, no matter what your age or ability.
Join us for an engaging and informative morning, with refreshments, a light lunch, and plenty of time for discussion. We’d love to hear your views and help you stay active and healthy in Islington! Energy Saving Workshop Thursday 13 March, 11am-1pm Manor Gardens, London N7 6JX Are rising energy costs making you feel worried? Need help with your energy costs? Get practical tips and guidance to reduce your energy costs in this workshop hosted by Adult Community Learning and SHINE.
Help will also be available to better understand your energy bills and how you can make your money go further. Tech Break Friday 7 March, 12-1pm via Zoom Join knowledgeable volunteer, Simon, for this month's Tech Break. In this session we will learn about another charity called AbilityNet that does technology webinars like AgeUK's tech break. We will watch a few together and discuss some of the recent topics that they covered. London's Annual Repair Week 3rd to 9th March Repair Week is a celebration of repair throughout London where you are invited to gain repair skills, fall back in love with your stuff and help save some money and the planet while you’re at it! There are numerous workshops happening in Islington - from textile upcycling and repair to furniture repair workshops and drop-ins to help you repair electrical and electronic items.
New Tea, Tech and Biscuits session starting Andover Estate Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm (4th March+) Tech Tea and Biscuits connects older residents in their communities with tech support within the comfort of their nearest local community centre to become more digitally connected, confident and motivated with their tech devices. Drop-in with questions or book a 50 min session at one of their sessions in community centres across Islington. Alternative London Book Fair 2025 5th to 8th March Central Library, 2 Fieldway Cres, N5 1PF Coinciding with the start of London Book Fair 2025, the Alternative Book Fair is a week of publishing and author events to bring the world of publishing and literature to a wider audience, especially aspiring authors, emerging writers and avid readers. With author panels featuring Granta's Best of Young British Novelists Camilla Grudova, Santanu Bhattacharya, Rowan Hisayo Buchanan, Catherine Mayer and many more. All events are free, including access to the Indie Press Fair, all day, Saturday 8th.
Health and Nature Walk Friday 7 March 10-11am (first Friday of the month) Islington Ecology Centre, Gillespie Park, 191 Drayton Pk, N5 1PH Have you tried the monthly Health & Nature walk in Gillespie Park? If not, why not go along (it's always the first Friday of the month). The walk is guided by Elena from the Islington Ecology Centre in Gillespie Park, run by Islington Council. Elena has a wealth of knowledge about nature and the session always finishes with tea and biscuits. All welcome. Dementia-friendly. Drop-in, no need to book.
International Women’s Day Health Event Saturday 8 March, 12 – 6 pm 225-229 Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, N4 2DA For diverse communities, with specialists including a Somali doctor, Wellbeing & Holistic practitioners, who will conduct presentations, Q&A and panel discussion about lived experiences. Complimentary meal, snacks and fruits. A Day for Older Adults Saturday 8 March, 2.30 - 6pm Hilldrop Community Centre Community Ln, Hilldrop Rd, N7 OJE Book to join Maria Luisa de Moreno: International Foundation for a special day for older adults. Enjoy dance performances, workshops, raffle, snacks and refreshments. Click below For more information and for how to book. LGBT+ Rainbow Weekly Coffee and Chat for health Starting Tuesdays 11th March, 11am - 1pm The Rainbow Room, London Met University, Rainbow Room, London Met University Campus,166-220 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DB Rainbow Communities are keen to reach out to a diverse range of Islington residents to join this new Club. They are inviting residents to get involved in planning what activities they would like as part of this morning session. For further information about this event and other services for older LGBT + persons including Memory Café and Befriending service, please see: www.rainbowcommunities.org.uk Healthy Generations Art Appreciation (on Zoom) Tuesdays weekly 9.30-10.30am Art Appreciation is an online Get Together which is now run by Healthy Generations. Run by knowledgeable volunteer, Manmeet, they have sessions every Tuesday, and the following special editions on 11th and 18th March with speakers from The Guildhall and The Wallace Collection. Whittington Health Expert Patients Programme Starting Monday 10th March, 10am-12.30pm (Mondays for 6 weeks) A 6-week programme for people living with long term health conditions. Confidently manage your health and feel more in control in just 6 weeks. For more information Tel:0207 527 1189/1558/1707 or e-mail: whh-tr.Self-Management@nhs.net Busting the Myths of Drug & Alcohol Dependency Wednesday 12 March 9.15am-1pm Jean Stokes Community Centre, Coatbridge House, Carnoustie Drive, N1 0DX Please join Rehabit and friends for a welcoming and informative event. This will be a great opportunity for friends, family, partners and community of those struggling to understand more about substance abuse and addiction. • Why do people become addicted in the first place? • What can loved ones do to help? • What support is out there? Dependency on alcohol or drugs is a desperate way to exist and Rehabit helps those in the community to find a way out. Come and hear from those who’ve experienced it and come out the other side. Carib Eats Warm Welcome & other events Black Cultural Centre,16 Hornsey Rd, London N7 7BP Drop-in to Carib Eats Warm Welcome—a space where warmth, nourishment, and connection come together, running on select evenings and weekends. There are lots of other activities and events on offer at the centre including Women of Colour Circle, AI & Tech for Entrepreneurs and a weekly Intergenerational Theatre Group. Why not drop in and find out what's going on! Islington's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2025-30 Consultation The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy is a plan to improve Islington’s health and wellbeing. Islington Council want to find out your thoughts, views and experiences on the draft strategy. Improving the health and wellbeing of Islington’s population is everyone’s business. Everyone has a role to play and should therefore be aware of this strategy and have an opportunity to share their views on it. This consultation is about helping to shape the actions that are taken to achieve the four overarching health and wellbeing priorities that have been agreed across Islington. Shared Lives offers a modern and flexible approach for individuals with learning disabilities, autism, and mental health diagnoses in Islington to receive support and care within their local community. Residents are paired with Shared Lives carers, who are everyday people opening their homes to provide support and care. Want to find out more? Please visit the website to find out how to access this service or how to become a Shared lives carer. Contacting Islington Carers Hub If you are in need of financial or practical guidance related to your wellbeing or for the person you care for, or simply need a listening ear, don't forget that you can call the Islington Carers Hub Helpline on 020 7281 3319 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) or email info@islingtoncarershub.org. |